Wednesday, January 6, 2010


OK, this is mostly about food. We drank these beautiful Shirley Temples (Katie's favorite drink). We thought they should have a little green-leaf decoration. You can't really see but I think there are about 5 cherries in each glass. :-)

We also made these delicious raviolis.
The little helper - he looks so innocent, like he'd never try to eat my yarn.
Another one of Katie's favorites - tapioca pudding.
And this is one of my favorites - a baked apple pancake. Yum!
Maybe not the traditional Christmas foods but they were all fun to make.


Katie said...

I liked all of our good food! I thought the shirley temples with green leafs were especially creative. :) I'm glad we ate so many favorites. Christmas was fun together!

Love, Katie

Sarah said...

Wow, candies on shirley temples? What a great idea! All of the food looks delish and Bruno looks mischievous.