Monday, March 9, 2009

Signs of Spring

I've been keeping a sharp lookout for signs of spring. I know it's on the way. Here's what I've found so far.

All the snow fell off the roof. It made a huge noise. I told Bruno I thought an elephant landed on the roof. I'm glad I wasn't outside.

I don't know if you can read this sign but it says "Frost Heaves." In case you haven't experienced those, they're with us every spring - the roads get really bumpy for awhile. It's something to do with moisture underneath the road bed freezing and thawing. Katie could explain it better. It smooths out after awhile, but it definitely means spring is coming.

OK - we really have been getting some nice days. Here we are sitting outside in the sun yesterday! Of course we got another 6 inches of snow today but it's bound to stop snowing sometime.

I'm ready for some sunshine!


Susan said...

Looks nice in Boston. You just need to move a little further south. How about Florida?

Katie said...

I'm glad we're getting some signs of Spring! I'm ready for leaves and flowers!

Sarah said...

Another sign of spring is spring training and the world baseball classic!